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We dispatch all orders within 24 hours. Kindly note that our tracking page is updated every two days.

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Yes, FinalPress is 100% made of stainless steel so it is dishwasher safe and rust-free!

The weight of FinalPress is 102g (3.6 oz), making it lightweight and easy to carry with you wherever you go.


Yes, FinalPress is made entirely of stainless steel, which includes the plunger system, micron filter, and spring mechanism. Plastic free!

Yes, FinalPress makes both coffee and tea with its patented spring mechanism.

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FinalPress filter holds up to 12 grams of coffee, providing a generous amount for brewing a flavorful cup.

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We are committed to delivering the highest quality products. FinalPress is warranted against defects in materials and workmanship for one year from the date of purchase. If you receive a defective product from us that is under warranty, please contact us and report the problem. We will promptly be in touch to assist you.

Our filter is 200 microns, the smallest hole size achievable with our filter’s thickness.